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‏cytokines ‎السايتوكينات

CYTOKINES AND ITS TYPES: INTRODUCTION: - The term "cytokine" is derived from a combination of two Greek words - "cyto" meaning cell and "kinos" meaning movement.  - Cytokines are cell signalling molecules that aid cell to cell communication in immune responses and stimulate the movement of cells towards sites of inflammation, infection and trauma. - Examples of cytokines include the agents interleukin and the interferon which are involved in regulating the immune system's response to inflammation and infection. - In addition to mediating and regulating immune responses, cytokines are also involved in the production and development of all the different types of blood cells (through a process known as haematopoiesis), angiogenesis as well as tumorigenesis among a few other important functions. TYPES OF CYTOKINES: 1. Interferons 2. Chemokines 3. Interleukins (many interleukins are considered to be lymphokines) 4. TNF (t